Amnesia Haze


Amnesia Haze online This sativa-dominant hybrid is a descendant of a Jamaican sativa, a Laotian sativa, and the indica-dominant Afghani Hawaiian. The ratio of sativa to indica is about 80:20, meaning this is a great strain for daytime use and clearheaded thinking. THC is very potent, topping.

Buy Amnesia Haze Online – Sativa Dominant Hybrid – 80 Sativa / 20 Indica THC: 20 – 22

This sativa-dominant hybrid is a descendant of a Jamaican sativa, a Laotian sativa, and the indica-dominant Afghani Hawaiian. The ratio of sativa to indica is about 80:20, meaning this is a great strain for daytime use and clearheaded thinking. THC is very potent, topping 22 in some tests, but CBD is much lower, slightly less than 1-Buy Amnesia Haze Online at our shop now.

In other words, this isn’t a very good choice for epilepsy and other conditions that are treated with CBD. But it’s a great choice for relieving anxiety and depression, fatigue, ADHD symptoms, migraine headaches, mood swings, and physical pain. The high is creative and euphoric, with a psychoactive mood boost and a case of the giggles. Amnesia Haze has a fresh, fruity hash-like taste and a sweet, earthy smell with hints of spicy pepper. Nugs are light green with darker brown strands and a blanket of trichomes. This strain can induce cottonmouth and bloodshot eyes, while paranoia and dizziness are also reported.


1/2 pound, 1/4 pound, 14 grams half ounce, 1 lb, 28 grams ounce, 3.5grams (eights), 48 grams 2 ounces, 7 grams quarter


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